- Senior Lecturer in Games Development, University of Greenwich (September 2024 – date)
- Lecturer in Games Development, University of Greenwich (June 2022 – August 2024)
- Awarded Vice Chancellor Scholarship (highly competitive internal funding for research staff)
- Shortlisted for ‘Inspirational Teaching’ category at Student-Led Awards 2023.
- Schools Outreach and organising local events (e.g. game jams)
- Module leader for:
- Games Design (1st Year): Unity Development, Games Design, Group Project management
- Career Development (2nd Year): Portfolio and presence building, career and job application advice, preparation for entering the industry
- Rapid Prototyping (3rd Year): Paper and 2D digital prototyping, quick iteration cycles, game jams.
- Teaching on:
- Final Year Projects (3rd Year): Supervisor to final year students for their final year research projects.
- Â
- Lecturer in Computing for BSc Games Programming and BSc Computer Science (October 2021 – May 2022)
- Module leader for:
- Games Project 1 (1st Year Games Programming Unit). Unity/Games Design
- Games Project 2 (2nd Year Games Programming Unit). Unity/Group work/design/production.
- Final Year Projects in Computer Science (3rd Year Computer Science unit). Co-ordination of approximately 120 students and 13 supervising staff, plus lectures and workshops.
- Module leader for:
- Lecturer & Content Developer for BSc Computer Science (online), Goldsmiths, University of London (July 2020 – October 2021)
- Working across the degree to help and support staff create effective and engaging learning material for the first fully-online Batchelors degree on the Coursera platform.
- Module Author and Leader for Level 6 ‘Games Development’ module.
- Associate Lecturer for BSc Games Programming, Goldsmiths, University of London
(September 2019 – July 2020, during PhD studies)- ‘Introduction to Games Development’.
- ‘Introduction to Games Development’.
- Founder and Course Leader for BA Games Design at University for the Creative Arts (UCA), Rochester campus (July 2017 – July 2019)
- Games Design
- Games Production
- Unity & Construct3
- Critical Studies/Theory
- Member of Board of Studies and School Exam Board
Publications/Conference Presentations:
- FDG ’23: Workshop on Eudaimonia in Digital Games.
- CHI ’22: Emotional Exploration and the Eudaimonic Gameplay Experience: A Grounded Theory
- CHI EA ’22: More than a bit of coding: (un-)Grounded (non-)Theory in HCI
- PhD thesis (2021): “Moments to Talk About: Designing for the Eudaimonic Gameplay Experience“
- Games and Culture Journal (2019): Thinking and Doing: Challenge, Agency and the Eudaimonic Experience in Videogames.
- DiGRA/FDG 2016: Grounded Theory in Games Research: Making the Case and Exploring the Options
- CHI Play 2015: Emotional and Functional Challenge in Core and Avant-garde Games
- DiGRA 2015: The Tragedy of Betrayal: How the design of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus elicits emotion
Public Appearances/Talks:
- Communicating your Research to Industry Workshop (York University)
- Private workshop to help PhD researchers communicate and build relationships with industry.
- Develop Conference, Brighton 2024
- Roundtable/workship continuing discussion of industry and education collaboration
- History of Nintendo Pt. 1 – Creative Digital Meetup, London.
- History of Nintendo, London and Brighton 2024
- Evening talk to general public on the history of the games company Nintendo,
- Run by Seed Talks.
- Develop Conference, Brighton 2023
- Double Roundtable/workshop building success of session from Develop 2022 (issues relating to Games Education and Industry and how to encourage further collaboration to solve them).
- iGGi Conference, York 2022:
- Develop Conference, Brighton 2022
- Roundtable/workshop on issues relating to Games Education and Industry and how to encourage further collaboration to solve them.
- Invited Speaker at Staffordshire University (London Campus) 2022:
- On: the importance of networking in the games industry (to 1st year Games Design and Art students)
- Global Game Jam 2022 at Goldsmiths, University of London
- On: how to get the best out of the game jam experience.
- Global Game Jam 2021 at Goldsmiths, University of London
- On: my research (designing for the eudaimonic gameplay experience).
- Global Game Jam 2020 at University of Suffolk
- On: how to get the most out of doing a game jam.
- IGGI Conference, York 2019
- The Ultimate Heresy?: “Games Don’t Need To Be Fun, Neither Should They!”
- Special Lecture at London College of Communication February 2017 to MA Games Design students.
- Speaking about my research/PhD (emotions in video games).
- VideoBrains, January 2017: Let’s Play Mums and Dads
- On the representation of parenthood in video games.
- One Life Left radio show/podcast as a ‘Super Special Guest’ November 2016: Listen/Download here
- One Life Left radio show/podcast as a ‘Super Special Guest’ December 2015: Listen/Download here
- GEEK 2015, Margate: Panelist
- Panel on Games as Art, and developing Games Culture.
- Indie Games Conference, London (March 2015): Watch on YouTube
- ‘Open Your Heart: Thinking about Emotions in Games’
- Ex-Play 2013, Bath: Panelist
- Entertainment vs. Education: Where’s the sweet spot for learning games?
- Organiser:
- Global Game Jam 25 Organiser for University of Greenwich (approx. 70 participants), 2025
- Greenwich Game Jam 24.2 (40 participants), March 2024.
- Director of AdventureX – The Narrative Games Convention 2015 – to 2024.
- The original and longest-running narrative games event in the world.
- Since 2015 grown from <100 to 650 attendance.
- Global Game Jam Site Organiser for University of Greenwich (approx. 70 participants), 2024
- Greenwich Game Jam 23.2 (35 participants)
- Global Game Jam Site Organiser for University of Greenwich (17 participants), 2023.
- Head Conference Associate:
- Brighton Develop (2013-2016)
- Organised and co-ordinated group of 25 volunteers to ensure conference ran smoothly.
- Conference Associate:
- Games Horizon (2013-2014)
- Free 2 Play Summit (2012 – 2014)
- Brighton Develop (2011-2012)
- London Evolve (2011 – 2012)
- Liverpool Develop (2011)
- Judge Panel for Big Indie Pitch at PocketGamerConnects, London 2025.
- External Examiner for Games Degrees at Wrexham University.
- External Examiner for BA Games Design at UAL (LCC).
- Programme Committee/Reviewer for FDG ’23.
- Programme Committee/Reviewer for ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2022 (CHI ’22) .
- External Validator for new BSc & MSc Creative Computing courses at Creative Computing Institute, University of the Arts, London (UAL).
- Programme Committee of Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) Annual Conference 2020.
- Reviewer for Games and Culture journal (2019-present)
- Reviewer for ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TIIS) (March 2017).
- Programme Committee of Frontiers of Digital Games (FDG) 2017.
- Programme Committee of Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) Annual Conference 2016 and 2017.
- Programme Committee for CHI Play 2021.
- Industrial Placement (as part of IGGI PhD) at Bossa Studios – working on level design and marketing materials for Worlds Adrift.

- Supermassive Games as a Level Designer on Until Dawn and Artist on Killzone Shadow Fall.
Experience with: Maya, Perforce, triple-A in-house 3D engine (Killzone 3/4 Engine) and associated tools.
- Until Dawn Level Designer duties included:
- Visual scripting of gameplay logic
- Implementing and refining and blending interactive animated sequences
- Streaming design and implementation
- Dialogue implementation
- Writing technical documentation for features of the engine and produces maps to support other members of the team.
- Crafting narrative design with the Cinematic Producer and Lead Designer
- Waypointing and directing AI movement
- Testing/QA
- Killzone Shadow Fall Artist Duties:
- Selecting/arranging/combining 3D assets in world (level dressing)
- Creating 3D geometry for level structure/outline
- Co-ordination with other members of team and lead artists for visual continuity for sections I worked on.
- Preloaded
- Designer/subject expert (consultant) on science-themed game for high schools. Created scenarios and co-designed mini-games, ensured scientific content was correct and that scenarios fit game design and publisher’s brief.
All personal games are found on my page here. Content warning: There’s not a lot there alas! Job is busy!